Monday 21 April 2014

Happy Easter!

I know I'm a day late, but yesterday I was busy spending time with the fam! Which I hope you were doing too! I went over to my Oma and Opa's for dinner and we made and ate dinner together, had an easter egg hunt, and played Chicken Foot. It was definitely a good day. I took a quick moment during all the commotion to look around and realize how lucky I am to have my family. 

(How cute is this little guy?! I can't get enough of him! Note his shirt ;))

It's a nice feeling when you don't even have to be talking to anyone to feel a part of something great. I love my family.

It's helps when my aunt makes tasty cupcakes!

Plus the Easter Bunny came in the morning and dropped some treats off!

But anyway....

Candy and family are great! But they aren't the thing we should be focusing on the most during Easter. I have to admit that I was kind of a butt, and didn't really think about the real significance of Easter until I got to church. And then I kind of forgot about it when I was with my family. But when I got home, it was so nice to scroll through my Facebook news feed and see so many posts about Jesus Christ and his atonement and sacrifice for everyone. 

The reason we celebrate Easter is because of Jesus Christ's death. As part of God's plan for us, he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to come down to Earth, as an example for us, and then ultimately take upon him our sins in Gethsemane (so He knows EVERYTHING we have ever or will ever go through), and die on the cross as a sacrifice, so that we don't have to live in sin forever. Because of Him, we can be forgiven for our sins. Because of Him, we can live with our families after we die. Because of Him, there is no "till death do us part". I am so grateful for Jesus Christ's sacrifice, and to God for letting his beloved Son do this for us.

Here's a great video explaining the last days of Jesus' life and his atonement for us.


And since you're already here, why don't you watch this quick one too?!

Because of Him, guilt becomes peace, regret becomes relief, despair becomes hope. Because of Him, there is no end.

Happy Easter my friends.




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