Friday 11 April 2014

How Sugar Affects Your Body!

The other night I was looking around on YouTube and came across this channel called The Lean Machines. I saw this picture, and was like yeah, I guess I'll take a look.

I'm not blind, so obviously I took a look at it. They are actually super smart! Plus they have English accents (Can we please date?)! I watched one of their videos on what sugar does to your body and found it super interesting. As you probably know, I'm cutting out a lot of sugar from my food right now, so I like to be educated about what's happening.

Sugar is tasty. But it also can be highly abused. It can lead to crazy insulin spikes in your blood sugar levels and lead to the storage of fat as a result. I find that when I'm told to do something, I won't stick to it as well as when I know why I'm supposed to do it. These guys break down what sugar does to you in simple terms.

If you liked this video, check out their channel here! I love Tone It Up, but when I have guys asking me about fitness, I feel like I don't have as much advice for them since TIU's directed towards women. The Lean Machines are like the male version of Tone It Up. So any men who casually read my blog, here is your fitness bible! ;) They have plenty of workouts, informational videos, and recipes. Obviously the information is pretty much the same (we're all humans!), but there are obvious differenced in men and women's bodies, hormones, etc. 

SO, if you wanna look like those guys above (or the female equivalent), start following! ;)

Wishing you happy days and beautiful bodies!



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